For more information on this professional title (competences, pre-requisites, gateways, job opportunities, links with other certifications etc.), please consult the France Compétences website : RNCP36101 – TP – Couvreur-zingueur – France Compétences (francecompetences.fr)

Objectives of the training

At the end of the module, the trainees will be able to :

  • Know the different types of roofing, zinc work and water drainage
  • Carry out a roofing of attic of various forms in small elements
  • Respect the conservation and protection measures
  • Restore or build any type of roofing

Content of the training

  • To carry out the roofing of attics with two slopes in small elements
  • To carry out the roofing of attics of various forms in small elements
  • To carry out the roofing of two-sided roofs in zinc
  • Realize and implement the abergements and the evacuation of rainwater

Our trainings, your questions

Jobseekers, employees on a professionalization contract, or those undergoing retraining who wish to acquire a professional title and become a zinc roofer

Expert technical trainers in masonry, carpentry, roofing and zinc work

Training alternating theory and practical exercises on educational platforms. Individual progress interviews

Pre-registration is mandatory (see CONTACT US)

Formative evaluation: MCQs, practical exercises, self-evaluation, peer evaluation, mock exams

At the end of the training: presentation to the Professional Title exam (Level 3 – CAP/BEP). Possibility to validate one or more CCP

Mastery of key skills (reading, writing, counting)

Ability to carry heavy loads

In case of disability, please contact our teams. Our disability advisor will get back to you to discuss your situation and consider your acceptance in the best conditions

Sectors of activity concerned: Building and public works companies (BTP), craft companies of the second work

Type of jobs available: roofer, slate roofer, roofing tile maker, zinc worker, roofer-zinc worker

Type d’emplois accessibles : couvreur, couvreur ardoisier, couvreur tuilier, zingueur, couvreur-zingueur

Number of trainees: 2 trainees trained over 2021/2022

More than 1,800 hours of training delivered

The details on the financing of your training are here

Page last updated on 23 April 2024

Do you want to register?

Interested in this course? Let’s talk! Please fill in the form bellow and a BAO Formation team member will contact you within 48 hours.